Monday, December 9, 2013

How to Protect Your Immune System this Winter

How to Protect Your Immune System this Winter

When we think of winter weather (which we in Oklahoma just received a healthy dose of) we pretty quickly think of sickness, don't we?  Cold, flu, bronchitis and other germs going around and around.  And, in so many cases,  it just goes with the territory - especially those that work with children, such as teachers and child care workers.  There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to ensure that you will never get sick.  However, there are a few things that, when addressed together with moderation and balance, have been known to decrease the number of illnesses and lighten the severity when illnesses do occur.  There are definitely some great products that are absolutely necessary to have on hand this time of year, but there is certainly more to it than just popping a few pills.

1) Sleep:  No matter your station in life, this is a busy time and we seem to find more ways to push the limitations of our body.  But without enough sleep, everything in your body has to work harder.  And the harder it is working, the more likely it can be taken over by invaders!  Get enough sleep!

2) Green Diet: Include a lot of green vegetables in your diet.  You know there will be a lot of less-than-health-conscious (although delicious) meals consumed over the next few weeks.  If you have the desire and willpower to abstain - awesome!  For the rest of us who are looking forward to some splurges, drown them with green! An easy way to build up your 'armor' is a great smoothie - any time of the day.  Spinach and Kale (frozen or fresh) make a great base that does not change the flavor of fruit or juice at all!

3) MOVE: It's easy to think you don't have time or it won't make much of a difference anyway, but that kind of thinking is just wrong.  Even just 10-15 minutes of dancing in the living room that gets your heart pounding and a little sweat brewing can better prepare you for all the invaders attacking you throughout the day.  Your lymphatic system's only pump is your exercise and a lazy lymph system is a breeding ground for virus and bacterias.

4) Silver Shield: If there is one thing you should bother to take when you are likely to be exposed to the invaders (germs), it is NSP's Silver Shield.  Silver Shield 'has been proven to effectively combat health issues caused by anthrax, yeast, food poisoning, fungal or bacterial infections of the skin, respiratory infections, pink eye and more.' It is non-toxic with no risk of heavy metal contamination, guaranteed pure and takes care of viral and bacterial issues without harming the good bacteria of the gut.

For more information check out these links:

And now through Sunday, December 15th Silver Shield Liquid and Gel are both $2 off!  If you buy in greater quantities, you receive even more savings.  So, it's a great time to stock up!  And for a limited time - throughout the month of December:

Above all else, be good to your body in all areas.  When we neglect, overuse and ignore the needs of our body, illness will undoubtedly follow.

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