As we approach the new year, it's likely you've mistreated your body a bit in the past few weeks (maybe months?) and some detoxing or cleansing is in order. We are diligent to regularly clean everything else in our life - hands, bodies, homes, clothes, etc. - so it makes sense to do the same for the inside of your body. Just like the grime and muck of daily living can build up sometimes before we realize, the toxicity of our environments takes its toll on our bodies. Here are just a few of the possible benefits you could experience with some internal cleansing:
-Improved digestion and elimination
-Better mental clarity
-Energy levels usually improve
-Removal of waste/debris and toxic chemicals (like preservatives, artificial colors, pesticides, etc.)
-Increased nutrient absorptionAnd the best and most important place to start is the colon. It might be an uncomfortable topic for discussion, but if your colon isn't healthy, you're uncomfortable on a whole new level. When things are working like they should, especially when they have haven't been, suddenly there's all kinds of rejoicing!
Cleansing Essentials
Every person's body has unique needs and conditions and there are dozens of herbal supplements and combinations that can aid intestinal health. But for a basic understanding, here is a summary of the most commonly used products to aid a short term cleanse. For more information about which is best for you, give us a call!
Probiotics - Our intestinal tract includes both good and bad bacteria. Many things like diet, environmental factors and medications wipe out all of the good. To build it back up, consider probiotics like Bifidophilus Flora Force, Probiotic Eleven, and Acidophilus
Fiber - Insoluble and soluble fiber are both critical to a properly functioning intestinal system. Products like Nature's Three, Loclo, Psyllium Hulls Combination and Everybody's Fiber help to keep the movement regular.
Enzymes - Enzymes break down toxins and undigested food which helps your intestinal track stay healthy. Products like Food Enzymes, Proactazyme, and Hi-Lipase are great options.
Cleansers - In addition to fiber, a cleanser is needed to act as a stimulant to rid the bowel of toxic waste. For a typical detox, LBS II, Intestinal Soothe & Build, All Cell Detox and Bowel Detox are popular combinations.
And finally, make sure you're drinking water, water and more water! Herbal supplements especially are more effective in the body with plenty of water AND extra water helps the toxins you are trying to clean out to move through faster. Whether at the beginning of a new year or just some time in the next 3 or 4 months, do something to detox! Your bowels will thank you!
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